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Concluded strategic business alliance with Vietnamese human resources company GRASP!

CAMTEC is working with GRASP CO., LTD (Headquarters: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,

Representative Director: Takumitsu Kumazawa, hereinafter referred to as Grasp!),
which provides human resource introduction and executive search services in Vietnam,
to provide technical training and identification services for Vietnamese people in Japan.

We have concluded a business partnership agreement regarding skilled and
advanced human resources introduction services.

Through this, we will strive to create a system that will further support
the career building of Vietnamese job seekers.

Purpose of the business partnership
Since launching its overseas business in 2019, CAMTEC
has provided employment support for more than 4,000 foreign workers.

In Vietnam, we work with group company Vietnam Camcom, a Vietnamese corporation, to
support job hunting, mainly for technical intern trainees and foreigners with specified skills .

This time, by forming a business alliance with Grasp!, which has a strong track record in
all human resources services for Vietnamese job seekers and Vietnamese companies, and
has knowledge and networks, we are pleased to announce that we will be working with foreign companies
in Japan, which are in a period of transition and change, to form a business alliance with Grasp!

We aim to realize a paradigm shift in human resources services, monetize our business in a healthy manner
while keeping social significance in mind, and play a role in the reform of the technical intern training system
and specified skills system.

Furthermore, we will provide even more enhanced employment support to a wide range of human resources,
including not only technical intern trainees and specified skilled foreigners,
but also university students and other highly specialized engineers .