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Started recruitment service in Vietnam

In June 2020, VIETNAM CAMCOM CO., LTD (Headquarters: Hanoi) received approval from the Vietnamese government authorities for a license for recruitment business in Vietnam, and started recruitment service.

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The expansion of Japanese companies into Vietnam is remarkable, and it is predicted that the Vietnamese market will expand in various fields in the future.

With the rapid expansion of business between Japan and Vietnam, the number of Japanese companies wishing to hire excellent Vietnamese human resources for the purpose of developing the local market is increasing. Underdevelopment is a concern.

The recruiting service we launched this time builds a unique recruitment scheme and introduces Vietnamese technical intern trainees who are working in Japan, foreigners with specific skills, etc., who have practical experience at Japanese companies. The purpose is to match Japanese companies with

Vietnam CamCom aims to create a cyclical career cycle between Japan and Vietnam, and we will continue to promote and expand this business as part of that.